JUDICIARY Latest Features

Office Supervisors Taken Through The HCM System
Ms Apophia N Tumwine, Commissioner Human Resource

At least67 non-judicial staff at the level of Office Supervisors have today undergone training in Human Capital Management.

The main objective of the training is to equip the Office Supervisors with knowledge and skills on HCM business process.

The Commissioner Human Resource Ms Apophia N Tumwine who officiated at the training called upon the Office Supervisors to endeavor to take care of their staff at the various courts. "Please endeavor to do thorough management and reduce the rate of complaints at your courts...those caretaking other stations please do not over-perform in one and forsake the additional courts," she said.

She appreciated the OS of Kumi for outperforming at his station, and urged the other officers to emulate him.

Ms Tumwine urged the participants to maintain a good brand by shunning corruption and dressing decently.

The Office Supervisors were taken through an Overview of HCM, its Implementation, HCM System Navigation, leave and performance management, and the Functionality of other HCM modules.

The Principal Records Officer Mr. Jacob Gwom moderated the training.

Posted 27th, February 2024
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